Sabado, Hulyo 21, 2012

Pretty Songs

This article defined the term Pretty Song as " that you play in your kitchen, stirring onions that are just starting to crack in the heat of bubbling oil, the sun setting through the western window of your apartment. It is the song you play on a Sunday morning in April when you're cleaning your house, the day is sunny and blessedly free...The Pretty Song is not to be confused with the Beautiful Song. Pretty Songs are generally lighter than Beautiful Songs, which are songs that reach for big things and hit them."

As I have blogged before, every moment in one's life has a certain soundtrack, that lovely background music which intensifies the situation, whether it's sadness, happiness, or a mix of both. If that is even possible. Given it's Sunday today and the sun is actually trying to part those gloomy gloomy clouds, I'm going to list down my favorite Pretty Songs.

Click and listen.

Tell me, what are your pretty songs?

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