Sabado, Hulyo 28, 2012

Coolectronica: The 500

What the music scene needs right now are more electronica fans. Rock bands, we have enough of those/we've had enough of those. It's high time we chill it out a bit. Speaking of chilling it out, try listening to The 500. This is Ants Agarpao's (Outcasts of the Universe) solo project. Just like what's written in the artist's Bandcamp page, "...close your eyes, open your mind and let the sound slip into your stream through the viaducts of your dreams."

You can now press play.

Ants is 1/2 of the Manila-based electronica duo Outcasts of the Universe. Listen to their music here.

TV Characters I Like (Part 1)

I am a major sucker for everything Hollywood. From movies and TV shows to gossips and scandals (not the dirty ones.) It's not that I hate local TV but I have this thing for good stories, talented actors, and unpredictable plots, which I guess, are sort of lacking in the Pinoy scene. Don't get me wrong, the Philippines has lots of world-class artists, it's the TV networks I have problems with.

Okay enough whining and back to the real business. I love US shows and their stories but what I adore more are the characters and the actors/actresses who play them. Here's a list of my top boob tube personalities (fictional) and the reasons why I'm obsessed with them.

Howard Wolowitz  of The Big Bang Theory

Most fans like Sheldon and his quirky-close-to-mental attitude but I get the most kicks out of little old Howie. Played by Simon Helberg, Howard is a mechanical engineer, best friend to Raj, and the only one in the bunch without a doctorate degree. He has this signature outfit of skinny pants, over-sized belt buckles, turtle necks and Chucks. He also drives a Vespa which I find really cute. He throws pick-up lines like he's God's gift to women and thinks of himself as a ladies' man  which he actually isn't. He's cool because he's not.
Favorite Line: “If it’s creepy to use the Internet, military satellites and robot aircraft to find a house full of gorgeous young models so that I can drop in on them unexpectedly, then fine, I’m creepy."

Tyrion Lannister of Game of Thrones

Also known as the Imp, Tyrion is a small man with a really big attitude-- and I mean that in a positive way.The youngest son of Tywin, he is the sanest, most likable, and probably the only honorable person from House Lannister. Maybe Jaime, but no. Yes, he can be cunning at times, and protective of his dysfunctional family, but I can't help not to root for him. He is smart, probably the smartest character in all of the series, and he thankfully lacks the psychotic tendencies Cersei has. Tyrion is played by the amazing Peter Dinklage who won an Emmy for the role. I know Tyrion is a predictable pick but I won't apologize for choosing him over Jon Snow, Daenerys, or even Ned. Ned is dead for fuck's sake.
Favorite Line: "Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armor yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.

Epic Tyrion slap. I can watch this all day.

Cesare Borgia of The Borgias

Played by the gorgeous Francois Arnaud, Cesare is a medieval bad boy in chasuble. The son of Rodrigo Borgia aka Pope Alexander VI, he is a screaming epitome of sin. A cardinal by profession, Cesare engages in probably the most ungodly activities one can ever think of. Yes, including that almost incestuous relationship with Lucrezia. The most admirable thing about him is his intelligence and his love and loyalty to his family, especially to his father. Oh, plus those eyes. 

Peter Bishop of Fringe

Two words: Joshua Jackson. Nah, I'm kidding. No, I'm not. Peter Bishop is one of the main protagonists of the sci-fi series Fringe. According to Wikipedia, he's a deuteragonist but for me, he'll always fight for the real world's side. He is the son of Walter Bishop (John Noble) and the love interest of Anna Torv aka Olivia Dunham. Peter's story is verrry interesting. Why? He's from a parallel universe, that's why. He has this cool, calm, and collected attitude and is very intelligent. It always makes my day whenever the episodes show him wearing that signature black jacket. Ugh. Diane Kruger, you're one lucky girl.

This ends the first part of this entry. For the second half, I will list down the female counterparts of these guys. I also plan to shortlist my favorite movie characters. That would be fun. 

Sabado, Hulyo 21, 2012

Converse x M83 Design Contest

Amazing news, art + music + shoe junkies! Converse is teaming up with the French band M83 in search for the latest Chuck Taylor All Star design. Fans are encouraged to submit original drawings, sketches, paintings, and photos inspired by a specific track or the whole "Hurry Up, We're Dreaming" album. Entries will be accepted until July 31. Check out the video below for the whole mechanics.

Visit THIS for more info.

Pretty Songs

This article defined the term Pretty Song as " that you play in your kitchen, stirring onions that are just starting to crack in the heat of bubbling oil, the sun setting through the western window of your apartment. It is the song you play on a Sunday morning in April when you're cleaning your house, the day is sunny and blessedly free...The Pretty Song is not to be confused with the Beautiful Song. Pretty Songs are generally lighter than Beautiful Songs, which are songs that reach for big things and hit them."

As I have blogged before, every moment in one's life has a certain soundtrack, that lovely background music which intensifies the situation, whether it's sadness, happiness, or a mix of both. If that is even possible. Given it's Sunday today and the sun is actually trying to part those gloomy gloomy clouds, I'm going to list down my favorite Pretty Songs.

Click and listen.

Tell me, what are your pretty songs?


All my friends know that I have this close-to-creepy obsession with Zooey Deschanel. I admit, my fangirling is kind of over the top but I am quite sure I'm not the only one. The woman has fans all over the world and I am 100% positive that there are people way creepier than me. 

Speaking of fangirling, I saw this website called What Would Zooey Deschanel Wear? or WWZDW. (See, someone crazier is documenting her daily outfit!) Kudos to this person. I myself can't do what he/she is doing. (But given the proper amount of time, I would. I'm kidding.)

Here are some of my favorite Zooey looks:

The 500 Days of Summer party dress.
500 Days of Summer train ride scene.
In The Sun music video polka dot dress.

Visit What Would Zooey Deschanel Wear here. Quirk it up!

Linggo, Hulyo 15, 2012

Metric: Synthetica

I was browsing around NME's website a while ago when I saw the review for Metric's fifth studio album, Synthetica. I was silently cursing myself for not knowing that the said record was already released. I can clearly remember tweeting about being excited for it. 

After listening to the whole album, the song "Breathing Underwater" became an instant favorite. It has the standard Metric indie electrorock sound reminiscent of "Stadium Love" from their Fantasies album. Their first single "Youth Without Youth," is a bundle of badass beats fused with Emily Haines' amazingly sexy voice. On the other hand, "The Wanderlust," I think, will make the perfect soundtrack for that spontaneous adventure you've been wanting to have. Come on, the title speaks for itself. For this tune, Metric collaborated with Lou Reed, yep THE Lou Reed from The Velvet Underground.

Genius lyrics plus catchy beats, expect Emily Haines and the rest of the band to deliver. No one can ever sing the words "I'm just as fucked-up as they say." like Ms. Haines. 

Listen to Synthetica here.

Sabado, Hulyo 14, 2012


When I was a kid, I was extremely camera-shy. I hated class photos and all things that involved smiling and flashes. After arriving in Manila for the university, I was introduced to digital cameras and the joy they bring. Khalid and Desiderata, my college buddies, taught me the holy trinity of camerawhoring: pose, smile, upload.

I like it when people take photos of themselves, doing whatever pose they can think of and wearing whatever clothes they want. Lookbook fan, I am.

Years later, I'm still the little camerawhore I used to be back in college. When the mood strikes, I set up my dependable digicam, rummage my closet for some outfit, and turn my room into a messy "studio." Oh my wasted weekends.

Looking back, it's quite fun knowing that through this "activity," I have gained confidence and discovered my own sense of style. Yuck that sentence is the corniest shit I have ever written. So here I am sharing the products of those wasted weekends. No judgments, this is not America's Next Top Model or YOUR blog. 

Right after graduation, I decided to go for a really short haircut. The background: an old college art project. This was May of 2009. I look like a boy.

2010 photos. Made the background collage out of magazine pages. Improvising like a boss. Side story: When I turned 22, I decided to have my ears pierced. It was one of the the bravest things that I have ever done in my life.

Cat cameo. Meet Nine, my furry kid.

2011 photos. Rocked the bangs after my 23rd birthday.  

I only have one photo for 2012. I guess I got lazy. Will try to catch up. 

If you're into fashion + photos + styling + makeup + dressing up, try visiting these sites: Lookbook for some fashion inspiration and Kookie Buhain cos I think she's the only legit fashion blogger in the country. 


Valerie and Francis welcomed their first baby today. They named her Alexia Vashti. I told Val that I'll call the kid Vash cos it sounds so cool and she told me that they were planning to call her Vash, too. Friends do think alike. Too bad I can't be there right now. Here are some photos of their cute little angel.

I am so happy for my friends. I know they'll be amazing parents. Hello little girl, I can't wait to see you soon!

Thanks Avi for the photos.

Biyernes, Hulyo 13, 2012

Music Musings

Let me tell you a story. Back in 2009, news spread like wildfire that The Killers will have a one-night concert here in Manila. February 2010. I was ecstatic. December 2009, Tati, my former officemate and I, bought our tickets. Excited kids, we were. February came and a week before the big night, the band broke up. Concert, cancelled. Hearts, broken. Fans, angry and disappointed.

Been a fan of The Killers since I was a freshman university dork. I remember singing along so hard to their catchy songs like the overplayed Mr. Brightside, Smile Like You Mean It, and my personal favorite, Read My Mind. The hate due to the last-minute concert cancellation eventually evaporated and I continued to be a fangirl. I admittedly have a weak soul for men named Brandon. Plus Ronnie Vannucci looks like Jason Lee. Now tell me, who could ever hate a guy who looks like Earl? No one.

Fast forward to 2012. The band's back together and they are coming out with a new album. Last night, they released their first single, Runaways. I listened to it a few minutes ago and I wasn't disappointed. I wasn't blown away but I was pretty surprised. In a good way. They still sound like how they should sound. Classic The Killers. Brandon Flowers doing what he should be doing and the rest of the band creating melodies that they should be creating. Same riffs, same song story, same Vegas-style sound. Even Brandon's Morrissey-ish voice fits. Okay don't be sensitive, Smiths fans. I'm not saying that they sound the same but it's kind of known that Brandon Flowers is influenced greatly by Morrissey.

Runaways reminds me of morning train rides. I don't really know why. The song is comfortable. It's like a blanket. Comfy, warm, and snug.

Change is good blah blah. But why fix something that isn't broken? I adore The Killers for not changing their style. Four out of five stars, definitely. Huddle close, listen.

In other news, another favorite band came out with a song last night. Oh world, you have amazing ways of showing you love people like me. BLOC PARTY IS BACK! Yep, Kele is still on vocals and Matt Tong is still on drums. Same people, same line-up. I think the disbandment rumor was deliberately started by the members to screw the minds of puny creatures like me. I was shocked when NME came out with an article hinting that Kele was booted out of the band. After all the drama and the fuckeries, come, let's dance to Octopus.

Are you a Bloc Party listener? No? You can now thank me for introducing you to real music. That's talent right there. Kele has probably one of the most unique voices in the music scene. Two thumbs up. I can't wait for the full album. If you have time to waste, try watching live Bloc Party performances on YouTube. Just a tip: prepare some tissue, you might end up crying.

Follow the official Twitter accounts of both bands:

The Killers
Bloc Party

Note: This is actually my futile attempt to do a music review. Sorry I will do better next time.

Biyernes, Hulyo 6, 2012

My world is not round, it's twisted.

If I have what you have, I will do what you're not doing. - My thoughts when I'm trying to be profound.

Any time now, one of my best friends will give birth to a beautiful baby girl. Yes, I am 100% positive that the child will be gorgeous because she has good-looking parents. A few months more, the other best friend will get married. To her soulmate.

I'll skip a day from work, pack my bags and go home for Tiffany's special day. I will dance (drunk-dancing, probably), drink (a lot, I guess), laugh (really loud), cry a little (shamelessly), drink some more (a lot, I guess), and give a funny bridesmaid's speech which I'm pretty sure will involve ruined eye make-up. I'm emotional during weddings. Yuck I'm such a girl. 

My whole family will be in Davao during the same date. I picked my best friend's wedding over Davao. Mindanao can wait. House party, anyone? 

It's is truly amazing to see people who deserve to be happy, happy. I am extremely proud of my friends and the adult decisions and plans they have. 

In a parallel universe, I have a boyfriend,  I hate cats, and I love kids. And I'm planning my own wedding (instead of midnight blogging). Sorry for the overuse of parentheses. 

I have a restless personality. I love doing stuff. Hate doing stuff that I thought I love. Love stuff that I thought I hate. It's an endless process. My mind is like a washing machine. Continuously turning, different directions, bubbles.

My point? Nothing. See, different directions and bubbles. This entry is verrrry random. I just started working for a new company, a big one, and I don't know if I can pull it off. Everything's new. Things I haven't done in my professional life. Overreacting? Maybe. Scared? Intensely. Hopeful? YES. OkayyuckwhatprofessionallifefuckeryamItalkingabout.

Okay so I have decided that this entry will have micro posts with random shiznits. 

I just had a little misunderstanding with my mother a while ago. Dear self, show some respect. Get your act together. Stop acting like a child. FOCUS. Dear mother, I am really sorry. I will try my best to be the daughter you deserve to have. Sorry and I love you. 

Listening to:

Thinking of how I can listen to music while working. I desperately need music in my life especially on weekdays and during stressful situations. Universe help me. Hi Tom Hiddleston I love you. Speaking of Hollywood celebrities, try visiting THIS Tumblr account and instantly feel good about yourself. Trust me, it works.

Pinto Art Gallery and Museum

Nestled inside a quaint village in Antipolo, Pinto Art Gallery and Museum is a haven for people who create art, appreciate art, and curious about art. The place provides a charming and irresistible mix of nature and human creativity, making it stand out from the usual art galleries we frequently see in the metro. Definitely one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to. 

Linggo, Hulyo 1, 2012

Hi Tom

No one can ever replace Brandon Boyd's spot in my heart but I'm very much willing to give a little bit of space for Tom Hiddleston.

The guy is perfect. He is 31 years old, a graduate of Cambridge, acted in successful films, fucking good-looking, shares the Sexiest Voice In The World title with Brandon Boyd (for me), and probably a real Norse god in disguise.

I was lurking around Twitter when I stumbled upon his profile. I was actually looking for legit RDJ and Hemsworth accounts at that time. I have read somewhere that he has hordes of fans on Tumblr that's why I got curious and decided to check what the fuss is all about. Loki's Army, that's what they call themselves. Okay, I won't go that far --joining fan groups and the like -- but after going through his more than a thousand tweets (yes, I was hooked), I got smitten. Yep.

First of all, the guy has flawless taste in music. God, he listens to The National, Phoenix, Bon Iver, Pearl Jam,  Radiohead, etc. He is so proper. He knows how to write the '90s properly. His laugh is sexy, the way the cuss is sexy, him doing nothing is sexy. He is a dream. A red-haired, scruffy dream. He won't pass for a Weasley because he is dang too gorgeous (sorry, Ron). He definitely intensified my weakness for scruff and facial hair. He is nice to his fans, too. I have observed after watching tons of YouTube videos. Yes I'm creepy and obsessed. Shut up.

Tom Hiddleston - If Music Be The Food of Love
Please click. If you're a girl, prepare to get pregnant. If you're a straight guy, prepare to gay it all out for 59 seconds. Hear that? Just my ovaries exploding. I'm sorry.
Borrowed from