Huwebes, Mayo 1, 2014

Labor Pains

I have an Advertising & Public Relations degree. Before graduating, I told myself that I won't accept jobs outside the ad world. I wanted to be a copywiter, and I'll do everything to be one. A month after earning my diploma, I got hired to work as an account executive for a small (medium?) advertising agency called Maverick Media Solutions, Inc. I have never wanted to be an AE but I accepted the offer because it was my only ticket to the community that I have always dreamed of joining.

Working for Maverick as an AE was a nightmare. I didn't know shit about the position. I found myself going to the bathroom more often than necessary because it was there where I tell myself "Pinili mo 'to, panindigan mo." I'd go back to the office, cool as a cat, pretending I know what I was doing. After a month as an AE, the bosses asked me if I wanted to transfer "sa loob," meaning the creative department. I wasn't an effective executive, and they were nice enough to give me a shot at writing. I answered them with a big fat yes, of course. Ms. Chnx, the senior copywriter that time, had something to do with the transfer. I'll be forever thankful to her. 

At 20 years old, I got my dream job. It wasn't a walk in the park, and definitely was not always rainbows and unicorns, contrary to what I have imagined before. Yes, it was extremely fun, but it was challenging as well. I had a rough start. The creative director (Sir Carlo) was not convinced. The first published print ad that I proofread had a typo and I will never forget that blunder, ever. I have heard the worst criticisms and the harshest comments, but those didn't stop me. It was a game, and I was the ball, sometimes hitting but most of the time, missing. Thank Jeeezzus Sir Jasper, the CEO, was a very patient man.

Forever Maverickids
I eventually got the hang of it, with some of my copies and concepts getting approved. This made me excited to report to work every single day. I have never thought that opening Microsoft Word will make me feel giddy but it did. Working while having a great time, I could not ask for more. Maverick was a playground, with more freedom than most offices. The people were super nice, from the bosses, the creative and accounts teams, down to the messengers. More than office mates, we were a family, a weird one at that.

Four, that's the number of co-copywriters I had while working for Maverick. I spent almost three years there and teamed up with four different individuals. Lace took me in and guided me. We came from different backgrounds but we clicked. She was nice and always happy, and she made my first six (or was it three?) months bearable. Then there was Liz. Her time in Maverick was a short one but she's one of those people who inspired me to write better. It's because she's a god-level scribe and it was great to work with her. After Liz, Jovie came in. I can't remember a single project we worked on together as writers because he transferred to Accounts after a while, but that did not stop us from becoming good friends. He now works in Dubai, swimming in gold. Lastly, there was Yaps, whose Yaps-ness was adored by our boss. He still writes and I wonder when he'll stop because there's no monies in writing. I'M KIDDING.

"Do a job you like and you will never have to work a day in your life," said a Chinese philosopher. He was right, because it was like that in Maverick, but I realized that it shouldn't always be the case. Yes, it was comforting to be in a place where there's familiarity, where I felt safe, but things became too comforting and I got lazy and became less creative. The employee who used to be like a kid in a candy store became a grumpy and boring adult. Reality dropped by one day and slapped me on both cheeks, real hard. It hurt, realizing that it was time to leave Maverick behind, but I did what I had to do. I resigned and went back to the province.

June 2012, after two months of bumming, I went back to Manila and tried my luck with other companies. This time, I wanted a new industry where I can learn new things and develop a fresh set of skills (LOL, SELF.) July came, along with a new job for me -- marketing officer for Robinsons Appliances. Yes, I got hired by a bigass company (JG Summit, anyone?) and it was one of the proudest moments of my life (IT'S A TRAP.) New industry, check. New set of skills, double check. It was exactly what I was looking for, and went I through the whole thing feeling like I was being tortured. I had a hard time adjusting to the "corporate" and the mostly-girls setting. 

I handled a couple of marketing projects, something I have never done before. Got used to seeing the Gokongweis (by the way, they're really down to earth people) around and talking and coordinating with suppliers and partners, something I wasn't able to do in Maverick. Learning, I got a lot of it.

Working at Robinsons Appliances was a challenging year and half. Right from the beginning, I was always "I don't want this anymore." but my parents told me to go on with it, so I did. I came back to my "panindigan mo yan" phase. 2013 stormed in and things got a bit too much, topped by the stress of losing my mother and a whole lot of other stuff. By November, I yielded, submitted my resignation letter, and did what I've done the last time, I came back home. The saddest thing in all of this is that only my father was there to comfort me. 

2013 taught me what heartbreak and breaking point are.

Today's my first month as a worker for my current employer. I don't know if I can mention the name here because not to be OA but they're really strict when it comes to online thingamajigs. It's a multi-national company, so yeah, they're really protective of their image. They may not want to be mentioned in a blog entry by a crazy random blogger.

As I have mentioned in a previous entry, the company I work for now is based in Makati, so every day, I brave the MRT chaos and public transport hoo-haa just to get there. Almost all of my office mates are females, and so far, all the ones I have interacted with were very nice. No animosity whatsoever. My job description is new, so I have a lot of learning to do, but I'm all for it. The first month was ultra draining, and I've never been this tired. But so far, it's still the good kind of tired, so I'm not complaining.

What I love most about the-company-that-must-not-be-named-online? The office always smells nice. The restrooms are always clean!!! It's restroom nirvana, I swear. All stalls have working bidets and allocated spray perfume for you-know-what. Plus the tissue never runs out. Laging may tissue OMG. Yes, I'm being OA and blogging about our office restrooms.

Kidding aside, the pay's good and the benefits are better. I'm thankful for this post and will work my ass off just to prove that I deserve this. There will be more bumps ahead, and I'm ready for it. It doesn't also hurt that my new boss is helpful and supportive. 

Right now, I am happy little worker.

Martes, Marso 25, 2014


"I am an island and you're the lone coconut tree that survived the salty waters, the coarse sand, the angry waves, and the unforgiving heat. I am an island and you grew on me." - J. Kuizon/12102012

Jake and I met while he was on his way back to the city after vacationing with his college friends in my hometown. We shared the same ride back to Manila, and due to an amazing twist of fate, got stuck in a situation that led us to engage in a conversation. First thing I noticed: he was funny. We exchanged names not numbers, and parted ways when the bus stopped in Cubao. He found me through the wonders of the Internet and we started dating when he showed up in my workplace carrying a box of six glazed donuts. I like food, he likes spontaneity. (Huwag mo akong daanin sa pagkain, nadadaan ako dyan. -Kuizon, 2012)

It’s been more than a year since Jake and I officially became a couple, and we've done our fair share of adventures and misadventures since then. He is a traveler and has been to a couple of places. I try to do a little traveling here and there as well. We're (almost) polar opposites. He's organized, I'm the hit-and-miss type. He's the let's-try-this-thing-it-might-get-us-killed-but-whatever type and I'm the no-I-don't-want-my-face-to-be-broken-due-to-stupidity kind. He's a Math genius (I'm not even kidding) and I'm, well, let's not talk about Math, okay? (He has offered to teach me Mathematics OMG I'm dying he's so sweet. Lol, no.) He likes kids, me, not so much. The list goes on an on. It's basically like this: I'm the round peg and he's the square hole.

It's a wonder that we were able to stay in this relationship longer than what most people would have expected due to the obvious differences. Maybe it's because we surprise each other. We present a different perspective to each other every time --whether it be about life, work, preferences, everything. It's great when two people have the same inclinations, because there's less conflict, there's less decision-making. But I love our little mismatched team. It makes fighting for what we have harder but worth it, so worth it. 

We get into fights. But it's all part of the deal, I guess, considering the fact that he's my first boyfriend and this is my first ever relationship. I didn't have any practice! We both aren't perfect, but we try to be the best we can be for each other.

I used to be the girl who has her own weird standards. What might be cool for other people may not be cool for me. Meeting him changed that. Who would have thought that once in my life I will be spending an afternoon listening to Gloc9, singing Sirena on top of my lungs? None. Not even myself. But it happened and it was silly. But ultimately it was fun, because he didn't just surprise me, I surprised myself. Word of advice to girls who are looking for their significant other: find someone who will bring out the person in you that you didn't think existed. (Wag lang yung mamamatay tao persona mo, pag ganun, hiwalayan mo na yan, girl.) 

One thing I'm proud of of our relationship is that Jake gets along with my family so well. He met Nanay and she liked him and it meant the world to me because my mother was a hard woman to please. She might not be here anymore but I know that she's looking down on us, shaking her head whenever we're fighting. Hehe. Jake's family has always been so nice and welcoming, and I'm grateful for that. I really am.

We still have a long way to go in this roller coaster ride and who knows what will eventually happen. But I know that if ever I'll be afraid, he'll always hold me tight, and if ever he'll want to vomit, I'll hand him the plastic bag. It'll be always like that, and it gives me the all the comfort that I'll ever need. 

Jake and I met on a rainy day. It was the best rainy day ever.

PS. I don't usually write lovey dovey boyfriend stuff but it's my blog so, yeah. 

Lunes, Marso 24, 2014

Life's a Beach (Yes, I'm Writing Again)

I know, I know. I haven't blogged since the age of the dinosaurs. I got busy with a lot of things, and last year was a tough year. It's just now that I am starting to get back on track. I recently (read: yesterday) got hired for a new job, it's for a nice company in Makati; I'm officially a Makati City girl now. God, I used to hate that place. It's like a maze, always making me feel like I'm Alice trying to get out of Wonderland. How? Via a really pricey cab. Gotta hustle though, and Makati is the ~concrete jungle where dreams are made of~ here in the Philippines. Need to toughen it up and leave behind the geographically-challenged girl in me.

Okay, back to business. A couple of days left and we'll be officially welcoming Summer 2014. April and May -- the months beach lovers and sun worshipers like me look forward to every year. Tan lines 4ever. Weather in Manila is going bipolar lately. It rained yesterday and I heard that it's also pouring in Aurora. What is up with that, gods of sunshine, soft breeze, and halo-halo? Beach trips are already planned, flights already booked, road trips are in the works, summer outfits have been purchased, and fats have been shed. We need our dose of sun, stat! 

I consider myself lucky because I live in a country where every corner has a pristine seaside gem waiting to be visited. Even my own province has its fair share of amazing spots, and I dream to visit each and every one of them. On the other hand, I consider myself unlucky because I live in a country where the price of visiting some of the said gems is worth a month's rent. Sometimes, more expensive. So many destinations, so little time (and money.) 

I usually daydream of becoming a travel writer, jumping from place to place, experiencing cultures and learning the definition of beauty through people, food, and life. Earning money while doing what majority of my age group want to do. Documenting how spectacular a place is through words. Ahhhh, I want to be a travel writer when I grow up. It's like living summer every day, every freaking day. (Sorry, I'm a big fan of the season, here are the reasons why.)

I went to the beach last weekend with Neng. She's one of my favorite people in this planet and it's always fun trying new adventures with her. We left Manila at dawn and came back to the city just around dinner time. It was spontaneous, it was fun. I can't remember the last time we went beaching together but it was funny seeing that we still have the same travel staples: a pair of sunnies, comfy bikinis, a book, and a sarong which is very useful for random shenanigans under the sun. 

To never losing our wild streak.

She's busy with her own stuff and I'm busy with mine but a getaway like this makes me thankful that I have a friend like her. A friend who I can send a message in the middle of the night asking to come with me to the beach the following day and comes with me without hesitation. (Even if she's saving up for a bigger adventure the following week.) Thank you, Natalie Jane. 

It's so funny that I have decided to write again. Sorry for the lack of consistency in this entry. It's like a collage of random thoughts. I'm sorry, I haven't blogged in a while. I will try to write a better entry next time. 

Summer forever!!!