Miyerkules, Enero 11, 2012

I have a shiny new jar.

Every new year is a special event. It's like getting an empty jar that you have to fill with new memories, laughter, tears, and all the other things that come in between. But filling up this jar is no easy task. You have to work hard for it, careful not to spill whatever you have already put in. I have read somewhere that this 2012, people should start living like the world is truly ending. Dare to do, say, pursue, and ditch things. Leave the regrets for later.

So for this year, I won't write a resolution. Instead, I will list down the treasures that I want to put inside my shiny new jar.
  1. Few pieces of coins. I'm starting to save up this year. I think it's about time I stop wasting money on unimportant stuff. 
  2. Sprinkles of sand and sunshine. I want to beach hunt more this year. Visayas area please. Beaches!!!
  3. A pouch of laughter. Laughing keeps people young. I wanna laugh more this year. 2012's only rule: The louder the laugh, the better.
  4. Threads and buttons. The hunt for good-fitting clothes will start this year. 
  5. A trickle of sweat. Disgusting right? No. I want to start exercising this year. GOD I'M SERIOUS.
  6. Tight little hugs. Everyone wants to be hugged right? More hugs this year!
  7. A vial of adrenaline. I have always wanted to bungee jump. I will try to bungee jump this year. Or something crazier. Something that will make my heart pound faster and make me shit scared.
  8. A shot of vodka. Will make it a point to connect with old and long-lost friends.Over alcohol, of course! Cheers!
  9. Drops of tears. This is gonna be a great year, I can feel it. If ever I'm going to shed some, I'll make sure it's out of happiness.
  10. Dusts of make-up. It's the year to be girly and to be a bit more feminine. Less cussing please. Lol I can do this.
  11. Torn concert tickets. I promise to attend a concert this year. Alone or with someone, I will watch and sing my lungs out.
These are the stuff that I can think of right now. Will probably update this but I don't really want to over promise anything. I don't want my jar to overflow. 

PS. It's time to fill your jar too. 

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