Miyerkules, Hunyo 22, 2011

Summer 2011.

Since typhoon season is on its way, I think it's about time to blog about what happened last summer and reminisce the hot and crazy season that passed. As I'm writing this, the weather outside is gloomy and a soft breeze is making the trees sway. I don't hate this kind of weather since it allows me to wear boots and my favorite jacket but I don't like it as much as I like the warmth of summer. I am a sun worshiper. I love the sea, the sun and the sand. I love lounging in a hammock with the sun kissing my face, my neck, my legs. I love wearing wayfarers and colorful bikinis (uhumm but not with my current bod). I love wearing shorts and light tops and canvas shoes. Oh, summer, bummer. 

My summer started quite early. My first beach trip was in January when Neng and I together with other beach-hungry people went to Dasol, Pangasinan. The place is called Tambobong and it was beautiful and unsoiled with clear seawater and creamy sand. We stayed in this cute old house by the beach with wooden beds and capiz windows. The owners were kind and they treated us well. The weather was not fine when we got there and we kinda got caught in a storm while island hopping. We were in Culebra Island aka Snake Island when the storm hit and we had no choice but to brave the really scary waves just to get back to the place we were staying in. I was cussing the whole time because I thought it really was my end. Since it was still raining when we got back, we chose to sleep the afternoon away. The second day there was better because the sun decided to show up. We sunbathed for a bit and ate lunch by the beach. We left at around 4pm and got back in Manila around 12am. I promise I'll go back there.

Tambobong sunrise.  

Kwentuhan sa balsa.

February. I was also with Neng and we went to La Union to do what else, beaching. We watched the UP Fair first then headed to Naguilian where my cousin's girlfriend lives. The ride mainly consisted of sleep and chattering teeth since the damn bus had its air conditioner on full blast. We got there at around 10am with Donna picking us up in the town plaza. After we got settled in our room, our host told us that we're off to San Fernando. We went to this resort called Seapark and Donna and her friends cooked us this amazing lunch. Ate. Sunbathed. Swam a little since there were lots of jellyfish that time. Sunbathed. Ate again. Got back in Manila Sunday morning. It was the shortest but most fun trip that I have ever been to.   

Beach bumming in Elyu.

Wasn't able to travel last March.

April was really exciting. First, Neng and I went to Cagbalete Island in Quezon for Villa Cleofas' Beats n Booze party. My officemates Tati and Sir Art were also there but Tati was with her bandmates so we didn't get the chance to really hang out. The journey to Cagbalete was sucky so I don't want to write about it anymore but the island was really beautiful. Sobrang good vibes. The weather on our first day there was also sucky, with us spending our afternoon sleeping, not sun worshiping. The party later that night was fun. I wasn't drunk but I danced like crazy. The band performances were okay since the rain ruined the moment. Drank a few lambanog shots then went to bed. The next day was better because just like in Pangasinan, the sun decided to play with us. I spent the morning lying in a hammock listening to summer songs and sunwhoring. Left Cagbalete around 3 in the afternoon and got back in Manila around 12am. Fun.


Beach bumming in Cagbalete.

Second trip in April was still in Quezon but this time it was in Sariaya. The beach was not really that beautiful but the place we stayed in was amazing and it was the first time I got to swim in the open sea. Without a life vest! It was Maverick's company outing and we had so much fun. The food, fun and booze were overflowing with this outing beating the crap out of last year's.

For May, a couple of friends and I went to Quezon for the Pahiyas Festival. Actually it was Aris' birthday too but yeah, Pahiyas was a bigger deal. The town was so colorful and the people were friendly. Kinda reminded me of my own province, Aurora. We walked around the small town drinking in its simple and vintage beauty, tried some local foodstuff and watched the parade. The celebration was cool with people of all ages wearing cute hats and summer outfits. We headed back to Manila around 8pm then made a detour to Cloud9 in Antipolo to grab a few drinks. Cloud9 is another story. It has the most romantic view in all of Metro Manila. I love that place. Maybe I should blog about it. Some other time, I guess.

That sums up my Summer 2011 with all those trips made during my two-day weekends. I work. I play. However short that play time is. Oh I love being a young adult. More places to visit!

Lunes, Hunyo 13, 2011

Don't ask me what a copywriter is. There's Google.

I love brainstorming for new products. I don’t know, I have been working in advertising for almost two years now and doing brainstorming is still a thrill for me. Studying, analyzing, visualizing, and creating, oh the bliss of using the mind.

It was a dream to be a copywriter. Back when I was still studying, I told myself that I will do everything to be in this industry. I will do whatever it takes and will not settle for something that is not related to advertising. After graduating, I gave myself a month to relax and I dunno, enjoy my unemployment.  After a month, I left the province and went to the urban jungle once again. I applied for some positions, online of course because I was too lazy to do walk-ins.  Waited for about a week then I got a call. A small ad agency in Ortigas was looking for an account executive, a position I was not particularly interested in but what the hell, it was still advertising. Did the interview and got the call the next day. So after a month of bumming, I became a member of the industry.

That’s about it, the story of how I landed this job. You might notice that I applied for an AE position but ended up being a copywriter. It’s another long story and I’m not in the mood to tell. Let’s just say that my boss was too kind to hand me my dream job.

I sit next to a glass window with a pretty view. I can see Laguna de Bay from here and I used to count the airplanes that pass by my window everyday. I see a small portion of the pool the condo unit in front of our building owns and sometimes I imagine myself enjoying its sparkling blue water. I zone out a lot and imagine a lot and daydream a lot.  Yes that’s me, a petiks girl. Lol.

The weather’s back to being fine. Good thing. 

The view outside my window.

Linggo, Hunyo 12, 2011


I love blogging. I have been blogging since I was in high school. Back then I have a Xanga account lamely titled "candy-coated raindrops". Lol funneh. In college I switched to Friendster's blogging application. Yes, frackin' Friendster that lasted for about three years, I think. Anyway, I also have this semi-active, in-coma-ready-to-die account in Xanga that I started when I was on my third year in college. I don't know, I just love writing and blogging random stuff. 

Now I'm starting again with another one. This time it's different. I want this blog to be read by other people because the last one I had was uhmm full of uninteresting stuff and clinically unhealthy for other readers. Lol. I want to write articles that will interest people who will stumble across this new "project" of mine. 

This blog will contain random musings, stories of adventures and points of interest. Mostly about music, travel, food and fashion. Actually just about anything. 

Oh I can't believe I forgot to introduce myself. I am Allyson and I'm a copywriter at a small advertising agency in Ortigas. I love beaches, tanning, food and clothes. I have a black cat and just like any other cat, he's moody and always hungry. I love him to bits. 

Starting this blog is kinda sad. It's like I'm breaking up with my former Xanga blog and I'm replacing it with a new and more attractive boytoy. But then goodbyes happen and endings are sometimes healthy. 

Hello Blogspot, let's start a crazy blogging relationship. <3