Martes, Oktubre 30, 2012


Koi No Yokan is a Japanese term for the sense upon meeting a person that the two of you are going to fall in love.

It is also the name of Deftones' new album that will be out this November. The band has already released three singles -- "Leathers" which was up for free download on their website, "Tempest," and the latest, "Rosemary."

I think Rosemary is the "Sextape" of this record. They have the same effect. Okay enough blabbing, just listen and fall in love please.

Lord bring them back to Manila please I am begging you.

Tiffany & Co.

So one of my best friends, Tiffany, got married over the weekend.

Valerie, the bridesmaid, Tiffany, Erwin, and Francis, Valerie's husband.
I love you Valerie!

Best friends since high school. 


Ze lucky guy.

It was fun. It was crazy. It was Tiffany's wedding.

I should get married soon. Uhmm nope.

Yes, cute.

Was hanging out at the back eating cake. Yep, I was that enthusiastic to catch the bouquet.

My beautiful beautiful friends.

The bride getting teary-eyed and emotional. "Thank you Erwin kasi umattend ka." referring to her groom. 

Happy friends.

I think I need to get married soon. Any takers? OF COURSE I'M KIDDING.

Unmarried people, better read this. :)

Sabado, Oktubre 13, 2012

An open letter to Craig Anderson

Dear Craig Anderson,

I first saw your half-naked beauty on Tumblr in one of the posts of that account about surfers/surfing/the beach I follow. I am a sucker for messy hair and shy smiles, btw. Your abs, uhmm they're okay. Your name wasn't in the post so I patiently browsed more than three thousand notes just to see if one of them has your name. Luckily, I found a comment saying that your name is Ando. Not that helpful really, because I had to Google "Ando surfer" just to know your real name. And your birthday. And your height. I read somewhere that you're just 5"9? Perfect! Not that tall. You won't date someone taller than you, right? Au revoir supermodels! Not-so-tall girls celebrate! 

I was quite disappointed when I learned that your Facebook is full and you don't  have Twitter. Try Twitter, you'll enjoy it, I swear. I saw your old Myspace and Ebay, too. Useless. Until I tried my luck with Instagram and there was your page in its hipster glory, ready to be stalked filtered photos and all. Too bad you don't post that many pictures of yourself. Just places you've been to and weird shit and cool stuff like that owl sitting on a bench which you described as your new friend. Oh and you like cats. You like cats! I love cats. Isn't this the universe telling us that we should be together?

Now let's talk about your surfing. Okay so I don't know shit about surfing but I love the beach so if ever we get married, you can surf while I get a sexy tan. Don't worry I'll be watching you the whole time. I'm kidding. I'm not the marrying type. I live in a country with lots of surf points, though. Try visiting the Philippines and see for yourself. I can even be your tour guide. For free!

If those above aren't creepy enough, I also hounded YouTube for videos of you. Surfing ones and interviews. This one's my favorite. You amazing you. 

One last thing, you should ditch the grandpa clothes and try dressing up nicely. Or not. You'll still look good anyway. Nevermind. Dress the way you like. Or don't dress at all. That would be better. I wonder if you smell good. I hope you smell good. 

There's a one in a bajillion chances that you will stumble upon this blog and read this so if ever that happens, please don't take this seriously. It's Sunday here in the Philippines and the weather is nice outside and it inspired me to write this. The weather made me do it.

Think about that offer about visiting the Philippines. 



PS. I am also obsessed with Brandon Boyd and Tom Hiddleston. Don't feel too special.



Biyernes, Oktubre 12, 2012


The first ever concert I watched was a Rivermaya gig. I was in fourth grade, I think. All I can remember is that Bamboo was drinking lots of water during the whole thing and the crowd went insanely wild when they played Hinahanaphanap Kita.

When I was in high school, the closest thing to a real concert I have experienced were the parties thrown by our school. Riot of bad sound systems, awful programs, and local teen boys playing Slapshock, Cheese, and Greyhoundz covers. By the way, one of those teen boys is my brother.

College was a blur of underground band gigs. Attended a Sepultura concert, too.

When I started working, I got to watch three international bands: Arch Enemy, Deftones, and Incubus. The Killers, almost.

The music, the adrenaline, the screaming, the sweat, the mess. That special kind of high. Shouting "oh my god" and "fuck it, this is really happening!" Nothing beats watching a band play live. It's the only time you can punish your vocal chords and feel delighted and giddy the day after. You can't utter a word but you also can't stop grinning and humming like an idiot.

The Philippines is rarely visited by foreign musicians I actually like. So here I am bored out of my wits listing down the bands I want to see live.


They say rap-metal is dead but I don't care what crap other people say and I wouldn't miss an RATM concert even if I have to sell one eye for a ticket. This article got me excited.

STING (and THE POLICE, hopefully)

They might be old but their music is ageless. It might be impossible for them to reform and make records but at least one of them is still active. Speaking of which, Sting is coming to Manila on December 9 for his Back To Bass Tour! Tickets cost fucking insane though. More deets here.


If you like indie-electronica then you have probably heard of M83. If you haven't, just watch the video above and understand why I want to see them live. Better if I have a few friends with me who are willing to dance it all out and go batshit cray.


There's something about French bands. Especially this one. They all look like overall nice dudes and I can imagine the event to be extra chill and laid-back.


Yes, because I haven't seen them play live. 


Dear Bloc Party, Now that you're back together please visit the Philippines and let us experience live music from you. We're a tiny country, yes, but you have lots of fans here, I swear. You can have the concert in a small auditorium to make things intimate something like that Toe concert I didn't attend. Love, Joaz.

Part 1 of the very long list. Sorry for a month of not updating this baby.