So for this year, I won't write a resolution. Instead, I will list down the treasures that I want to put inside my shiny new jar.
- Few pieces of coins. I'm starting to save up this year. I think it's about time I stop wasting money on unimportant stuff.
- Sprinkles of sand and sunshine. I want to beach hunt more this year. Visayas area please. Beaches!!!
- A pouch of laughter. Laughing keeps people young. I wanna laugh more this year. 2012's only rule: The louder the laugh, the better.
- Threads and buttons. The hunt for good-fitting clothes will start this year.
- A trickle of sweat. Disgusting right? No. I want to start exercising this year. GOD I'M SERIOUS.
- Tight little hugs. Everyone wants to be hugged right? More hugs this year!
- A vial of adrenaline. I have always wanted to bungee jump. I will try to bungee jump this year. Or something crazier. Something that will make my heart pound faster and make me shit scared.
- A shot of vodka. Will make it a point to connect with old and long-lost friends.Over alcohol, of course! Cheers!
- Drops of tears. This is gonna be a great year, I can feel it. If ever I'm going to shed some, I'll make sure it's out of happiness.
- Dusts of make-up. It's the year to be girly and to be a bit more feminine. Less cussing please. Lol I can do this.
- Torn concert tickets. I promise to attend a concert this year. Alone or with someone, I will watch and sing my lungs out.
These are the stuff that I can think of right now. Will probably update this but I don't really want to over promise anything. I don't want my jar to overflow.
PS. It's time to fill your jar too.