Sabado, Enero 10, 2015

New Yeah

Uhm, hello, anyone here?

I've been very busy the past few months (read: lazy) juggling a new job and other thingamajigs that I forgot to update this blog. But I guess it's high time to blow the dust, get rid of the webs, and have this machine grinding again. In my defense, I've tried writing post-worthy stuff (or so I thought) but I just couldn't find the time/inspiration to finish them. My draft folder is teeming with half done entries from 2014 still waiting to be published. 

2014 was one hella year. I met amazing people, fixed some ties and made new ones, got a new career, visited oh-some places, ate a lot of food (resulting to the thick fat I'm trying to shed now) said "See you after two years. I will miss you." to one of my best friends, laughed hard and got drunk, and spent another rollercoaster ride of emotions and craziness with Jake. Few surprises here and there as well as disappointments.

To sum up the year that was starting from where I left off (May 2014,) here's where I've been and what I did. *to the tune of Backstreet Boys' As Long as You Love Me*

June was a blah month, no lined up activities, no anything. The only significant one that can pass as an "activity" we did that month was our trip to the National Museum. It was supposed to be a date with Neng, but because of reasons I can't remember, she wasn't able to make it. Good thing Jake was there to save the day. He was supposed to go to a wedding but he accompanied me for a few hour just because I really wanted to go.

Here he is admiring the magnificent gem that is Juan Luna's Spoliarium.

Then came July, the most exciting of 'em all. Just a backstory, I first learned about Surigao's Enchanted River while browsing Tumblr. I thought the place was beautiful. Sent Jake a photo of it and after a short deliberation, we decided to visit the place. Our Surigao trip deserves a blog entry of its own so I'll skip getting into details. 

Enchanting indeed. Surigao's Enchanted River.
The beautiful Tinuy-an Falls. 
I won't go and pretend that I'm the biggest fan of museums and art because I am not but if there's one museum/gallery I'll always go back to, it's Pinto in Antipolo.I've been to Pinto before, and last August, I went back again with Jake cos I know he'll enjoy it there. The place is almost the same except for some renovations and expansions done. It's so comforting to know that there's a spot with this level of solitude near where I live. 

Antipolo afternoon at Pinto.
He puts the art in my heart and I'm building a gallery of our own.
Chapel inside the vast property surrounding Pinto.
August was also my birth month and I celebrated my 26th birthday at home with my family. It was also my Nanay's first death anniversary.

Surfers wave waiting; afternoon of my birthday.
September and October were killed for weekend trips home. Francis, a friend from high school and my best friend's husband owns (his family, actually) a beach resort in Dipaculao which is a couple of minutes away from Baler. The place has the most captivating beachfront view during the day. Spent a couple of weekends there with my small group of high school friends. Can't wait to go back! (To any of you who's interested to visit the place, send me a message so I can hook you up with the owners. The place is super relaxing and private, if you're into that kind of vacation. I can bet my two hands that choosing this over the tourist-frequented Baler beach is the best decision you'll ever make. If you're worrying about waves, there are plenty, and they offer surfboard rentals, too.)

If I can just wake up to this view every morning, I would.
Lobbot fisherfolks hauling the morning catch.
November meant going home for All Saints and All Souls Day. One morning my father brought me and my nephew to this wonderful hanging bridge near where I grew up as a child. I didn't even know that it existed! It was over a river but you can see the ocean from there as well. It's where the river meets the sea and it was lovely, lovely, lovely.

Entrance. In trance.

November morning.

PLUS! Chvrches concert last November 26! This also deserves a blog entry of its own complete with videos! Ugh they were amazzzzzinnnnggg! Went with Jake and Bernard. We had the grandest time. 

Admittedly, I wasn't feeling all Christmassy when December came. I don't know if it's just me but when I started adulthood, the merry feeling and the excitement for the season started to disappear along with Santa's gifts. And I guess it's also because of the fact that it won't ever be the same again since Nanay is not with us anymore. Got through the holidays unscathed, though. Spent it with Jake and my family. 

Other 2014 snapshots to sum up the year coming through!

WHAT A YEAR. Better top that one this 2015. Got a few things already lined up, plus a few more to add! 

Now that 2015's here, I'm thinking of starting another blog project that I have been planning for more than a year now. I don't know if I'm gonna be dropping this one (I hope not) but I'm pretty stoked to jumpstart the new one. It's gonna be sort of a travel blog for Jake and I called Him & Her Everywhere. Not strictly travel but it'll have interesting stuff we'll encounter in our everyday life. I'm thinking of launching it before the month ends but I don't know how busy (read:lazy) I'll be in the coming weeks so we'll see. Right now, I only have this:

Logo's nothing grand, but it's a start. 

Anyway, 2014 was a bit wobbly but not as rough as 2013 and I am very (understatement) excited for the rest of 2015. I really hope I can update these blogs as often as I want to. I will try try try. For now, let's fasten up for another thrilling trip. Happy new year!