Miyerkules, Nobyembre 30, 2011

Cebu 2011

Almost forgot to post about this. Heeh. I went to Cebu with my two best friends, Valerie and Tiffany, together with Francis, Val's boyfriend, and the mother-son tandem of Ate Sha and Lee last October. It was kinda unplanned but the trip turned out to be unforgettable.We only spent two days there. Yes, too little time to do anything but we managed to squeeze in lots of activities.

Proof that we had fun:

Biyernes, Nobyembre 4, 2011

On daydreaming.

I daydream a lot. Maybe because I'm lazy. Lazy people daydream a lot. I like imagining myself working somewhere far or lounging somewhere sunny and cool. Is it because I live a boring life? Maybe. On ordinary days, I wake up early, take a hot bath, rummage my closet for clothes, dry my hair, and ride public transport where I rudely peek at other people's mp3 players. I judge people by the music they listen to. After getting in the office, I check my email first and read online articles for about an hour or depends on how the world got more interesting in a span of one night. After finishing what I have to do for the day, I quietly zone out and start thinking of ways on how I WANT to live my life.

I imagine myself to be a travel writer, hopping from country to country, meeting various people and learning different cultures. I want to write about how truly beautiful the chateaus in France are, how handsome the men in Spain are or how magical the Greek islands are. A bit romantic, yes?

I like to think myself as a waitress in a quaint cafe in New York, serving busy businessmen, old couples, artists and even controversial celebrities. I will pour them coffee and serve them their favorite bagel. I will quietly listen to their stories, feel sorry for them or happy for them, depends on their story, really. I will be friends with the kitchen crew and drink vodka with them when the weather becomes too cold.

Obviously, I think and imagine a lot. It's actually healthy.

My mantra in life is this: Thoughts become things. If you imagine it hard, it can come true.